Simple Life Hacks That Make Life Just A Little Bit Easier
Life doesn't always have to be so hard. People out there figure out ways to make things better for humanity, and they share it on the internet.
There are thousands of life hacks out there that can help you with your everyday life tasks when you need it most. While the unfortunate truth is that many of them aren't so useful, the game-changing ones are worth sifting through the ones that aren't. Here are the hacks that will make things better.
Effectively Clean Your Keyboard

Is your keyboard hoarding dust like that's its job? It's almost guaranteed to happen over time but it's easy to underestimate how quickly that time will go by.
Don't let it do that anymore with the help of Post-It Notes! As you can see in the photo, these work like magic. There are only a few things that are so readily available in an office yet thin enough to get into those tight crevices.
"Local Pool Doesn't Allow Alcohol, So I Bring Water"

Here's a hack that parents and young adults can get behind. No one will know you're getting your buzz on, and you keep things civil—no need to argue when you have this up your sleeve.
After all, there's a difference between wanting to support one's kid during their Little League games and actually enjoying the experience. In this case, the cleverness can be as much of a pick-me-up as the buzz itself.
How To Handle Wires

From now on, start saving your toilet tissue rolls if you have a lot of wires. The rolls can be used as holding places for the wires, and you'll have less clutter.
And while it seems like this might take a bit of setup, it's so much less time-consuming than having to untangle all of these once they hang loose in the same drawer for long enough. Assuming that's even possible.
Cool Lamp Made With Flashlight And Bottle

Who doesn't want an alternative cool lamp to use? All you need is a good flashlight and an empty jug. With those two things, you can create something like this.
As shown here, it's not going to make the whole room bright. However, it should be enough to brighten up whatever the user is focusing on as much as it does with this dog's face. It works in a pinch.
An Innovative Sandwich

If you're tired of making the same sandwiches, this hack is for you. Grab two slices of pizza, and you have yourself the opportunity of a lifetime. Order your pizza with the toppings you want, and add your greens!
It's sort of reminiscent of a P'Zone from Pizza Hut, with the main difference being that you're the one who controls the quality of the ingredients and what goes in the middle.
"If You Run Out Of Pillowcases, Use Your T-Shirts"

This should only be a temporary hack, but it's still a good one. If you're feeling sleepy and the clothes aren't done drying yet, here's one way to solve that issue.
After all, there are some pretty soft T-shirts out there, and it's pretty easy to render a pillowcase gross with all the slobber that comes out of us during the night. You never know when you're going to need this one!
To Prevent Leaks In Your Luggage

Have you ever unexpectedly found your luggage filled with unwanted goop? With this hack, you won't have to worry about problems like that anymore. A rubber band is all you need.
It's still probably a good idea to put this in its own separate little bag, though. Travel can be rough on all parts of the bottle, not just the neck. Still, this is a nice way of closing off the most likely area to leak.
Tired Of Cleaning Up The Short Hairs??

Here's one for the self-groomers out there. Those tiny hairs that fall off while shaving become so annoying to clean sometimes. Don't let them annoy you anymore, and get yourself some plastic wrap.
Sometimes, life hacks are just about taking inspiration from the world around us. Since this is more or less what they do at barber shops, it only makes sense to do it at home as well.
Pants Too Loose?

If your pants are too loose, let a shoelace be your best friend. All you need to do is tie it around the back, as you see in the image, and you're good to go!
While it's true that this is the reason belts exist, life isn't always going to make one available when you need one. It's nice to have a temporary solution until you can get your hands on one.
Prepare For Your Next Cookout

Your next cookout won't be the same after you pull this trick off. All the condiments will be ready to use and right next to each other. That's super effective and helpful.
Indeed, it often just takes a little bit of creativity to make life easier. Just because something is called a muffin tray, that doesn't mean that you're not allowed to find other uses for it. The world's your oyster!
"No Cheese Grater? Use A Vegetable Peeler For Instant Fine Sliced Cheese"

I understand there are some passionate cheese-eaters out there, so this one is for them. A vegetable peeler works as a marvelous substitute for a cheese knife, so get to it!
It's hard to tell who first discovered that a vegetable peeler could be used this way, but their sandwiches certainly stand out from the pack. After all, no part of a cheese grater slices quite like this thing does.
Keep Your Bottle Cooler

To keep your water bottles cooler for longer, you need to start with a little water. Freeze the bottle on its side overnight, then add your drink into the mix.
What's also great about this is any day that's hot enough to need this trick is also going to melt that ice eventually. That means you've still got water to drink after the beverage you put on the non-frozen side of this bottle is finished.
Genius Phone Stand

Pringles cans are very tall. With some handy work, you can craft one to become your phone stand while you're doing work in the kitchen or out in the garden.
For anyone wondering what the point of all of those little crafts we made in grade school was, it was to prepare us all for moments like this. Those daily chores aren't as boring when you can do them while watching Naruto.
The Best Way To Clean

When your bathtub hasn't been cleaned in a while, getting the grime out can be tough. If you have a drill, you can speed up the process by replicating this image.
Normally, such a job would take hours to complete, which is why it's something many people will put off for as long as possible. So, any time this little trick saves is going to be super valuable. You're welcome!
No More Sticky Hands!

Eat your ice cream in peace with a paper towel on the stick. This way, the drips will get on the paper and not on your hands, your clothes, or the floor.
It's pretty wild that ice cream shops and trucks don't already make this a standard practice. After all, it's really easy to underestimate how fast ice cream can melt on a hot day. And that goes double if you like to mix candy in.
"If You Don't Have A Ring Binder Handy, Tie Wraps Work Excellently"

It might be strange not to have a binder handy, but to have tie wraps. You're in luck if you do and need your papers organized for the better. Maybe it's time to start carrying tie wraps!
In fairness, a lot of the best binders and other school supplies can be pretty bulky. It's a lot easier to carry these little guys around. Not everyone gets a school locker all to themselves.
No More Drywall Dust

You will no longer have to pick up the drywall dust after you implement this strategy. It's pretty simple and genius if you ask me; just add a Post-It Note.
Yes, it's true that not all of the drywall is going to fall neatly into that little pouch. Still, enough of that stuff will fall there to make a difference when it's time to clean everything up. And it's super easy!
Unwrinkle Your Clothes With Speed

This is a hack not many know about. If you're pressed for time and don't have an iron ready, you can hang the shirt in the shower. The steam will help you do your job.
Yeah, it turns out that all that steam is actually good for something besides fogging up the bathroom mirror. Just don't forget to keep it out of range of the nozzle because it's not a replacement for a washing machine.
Keep The Bag Down

If you're fed up with the bag getting buried in the trash after you throw something in it, this is what you need. A simple sticky hook on the side and you're in the clear.
That way, the loops of that bag are ready for easy access when it's time to remove the trash. That's definitely a process you want to go as smoothly as possible. Nobody wants a garbage juice leak.
How Could You Say No?

Can you even imagine what this could taste like? That's a lot of flavor combinations for one sandwich! This might be life-changing or make you realize you need to keep things simple.
This might be taking things a little overboard but you don't know what flavor combinations you'll end up liking until you try them! The only problem is that it's almost impossible to ask someone else to make this without this picture.
Who Knew??

How many of you out there knew this was a thing? If you have a lot of wood in your home, this could be a real lifesaver for your goods.
Once again, it's hard to even imagine how someone could have discovered this by accident. Maybe somebody's kid accidentally made a game-changing discovery while they were horsing around. Who would have ever guessed that such an unsightly problem would be so easy to fix?
Extend Your Large Candles

Having the large candles is cool, but they deplete and start to look busted too soon. With tea lights, you can drastically extend their life, ensuring that your big candles look nicer longer.
With a little imagination, it can be surprising to learn just how many uses tea lights can have. This isn't even the most obscure way that people have found to put them to work.
Butter Too Cold Or Hard?

Don't you hate it when the butter is still too solid to spread on your toast? With a grater, you can bypass all that nonsense and spread your butter the way it's meant to be spread.
After all, it's a lot easier for butter to melt when it comes out in thin strands like this. Plus, it's kind of neat that it almost looks like spaghetti before that all happens.
LEGO Hands For The Win

I don't know how this man had the time to figure out that a LEGO has the perfect-sized hands for holding phone cords, but I'm glad he did. Look how cool this looks.
The choice of minifig is also pretty cute, as it looks like she's taking the job of holding it very seriously. It's also hard not to feel as smart as a scientist when you figure something like this out.
Keep The Wires Untangled

If you're still on the wired earbuds train, here's something that will help you keep them untangled. Take an old gum case and put it in there for storage. It's a simple enough idea.
Moreover, nothing in this picture is going to cost anywhere near as much as a pair of Air Pods. Well, except for the car, of course. It'll take a while before Apple thinks of something THAT expensive.
Keep Your Tags Safe

People love to steal tags that aren't theirs! Next time you get your new year tags, make sure you key them just a bit. That way, if someone tries to peel it off, it'll rip up into pieces.
As strange as it seems that someone would even want this, it's also true that strange problems can sometimes require strange solutions. And really, what is creativity if not practical strangeness?
For The Older Relatives

As your relatives start to age, they might stop understanding technology, especially with regard to what the buttons on their remote controls do. With a little tape, they don't have to get confused looking for the Netflix button.
Otherwise, it's easy to underestimate how frustrating it can be to explain the right series of buttons to make some systems work. There's something about tech that can really make the learned helplessness kick in.
No Light Is Getting In

If you need absolute darkness in your hotel suite and your drapes aren't cutting it, you can always use the hangers for a boost. There's no way any light is creeping in now.
Now all we need is to somehow invent a happy medium between running the room's noisy air conditioner and baking in a hot room once we turn it off. Still, this life hack is a good start to perfecting the hotel experience.
Never Forget Your Hat Again

If you keep your important things inside your hat, you will no longer forget your hat for your adventures. You can't leave your hat at home if it's where you keep your keys.
Of course, it may take a little adjustment to make this life hack work at first. It's already easy enough to lose your keys without forgetting that you've started putting them in your hat now. But eventually, both problems can be solved together.
Keep Those Potatoes Clean

Here's a hack for those who want things extra clean! You can put your potatoes in the dishwasher and they will come out ready for action. This mom tried it!
It's a little unorthodox but her child seems pretty amazed by the results. And adorable, of course. Hopefully, that little wash will make them easier to peel, too. That's right, it's not just about germaphobia with this one.
Someone cracked the code on a super common problem

Every now and then, everybody gets a song stuck in their heads. And much like with the hiccups, the ways to solve it only work some of the time. For instance, listening to the song again can just entrench it there further.
However, Reddit user iijjjijjjijjiiijjii thought of the perfect solution: Listen to "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath. As they put it, "It's melodious enough to drown the earworm, but not repetitive enough to get stuck afterwards."
China figured this one out centuries ago

There are so many delicious snacks in the world, but some of their flavors require some messy additives. Cheetos are the classic example, but various types of popcorn and chips can also leave one's fingers covered in messy flavor dust.
However, not only is there a simple solution, but it's older than anyone living in the world right now. Just use chopsticks and treat those messy snacks like they're savory dumplings.
It looks like the uncle's been doing it just long enough

Although it's true that many people will go their whole lives without ever chopping wood, those who need to do that can attest that it's a tough job. Part of that comes from the back strain, but it's also so hard to keep that chopping precise.
Although it's sadly true that this man hasn't figured out how to make it easier on the back, he has solved the other problem. All it takes is a handy tire to keep the log in place.
Blanket sizing is just a suggestion

Reddit user MJCuddle came through with an unorthodox statement when he said that the blankets intended for queen beds don't actually provide enough coverage. Instead, they advised buying a king-sized blanket and turning it sideways.
While some people might argue that this is a little excessive, there are a lot of couples in this world who don't agree. Sharing bedding can often be tough, so having more to work with can help a lot.
It's not just for dishes

As Reddit user General-Wrangler6513, the washing machine doesn't always get the stains out of her toddler's clothes and she finds it a little time consuming and impractical to see whether a wash cycle will work each time.
However, she's also found a pretty simple solution. She takes dish soap, puts it on the stain in question, and leaves it soaking for about 15 minutes. It may take a few cycles of this process, but she usually finds that the stain is gone before long.
A large funnel is easier to come by than it seems

Although funnels aren't hard to find, most of the commercially available ones tend to be a little on the small side. For a big job involving a big container, a little funnel like that can make things take twice as long.
Fortunately, there's a pretty easy solution. If you wash out a gallon milk jug (or just use a jug that holds a gallon of water), you can then cut it in half and use the top half as your funnel. It even comes with a handle!
They're a lot more adaptable than some may think

Although this life hack is pretty situationally useful, it can seriously come in handy when a ketchup bottle takes a header out of the fridge. If the "EZ-Squeeze" cap breaks, replacing it isn't necessarily as hard as it may seem.
As it turns out, similar nozzles on other condiment and dish soap bottles can fit each other's bottles surprisingly easily. It's probably a good idea to rinse them out first, though.
That should take care of any messes before they start

When someone brings one of those big coffee vats to an event, those who use it often find they need to be pretty careful about how much they fill their cups. Because if they overshoot it, they're guaranteed to make a mess.
However, it seems that the people in charge of this church have already thought of that. And they figured out that if they cut a two-liter soda bottle just the right way, any runoff could harmlessly collect in it.
It's amazing that everyone doesn't do this by now

When coffee is brewed in a workplace environment, it's often pretty hard to tell how long it's been sitting there. That means when somebody needs a pick-me-up, they could be in for one nasty surprise.
However, the solution to that problem couldn't be simpler. Just turn two coffee cups into a little dial that warns others about when exactly the coffee was brewed. It's amazing that it took this long to think of it.
This one photo has probably just solved a lot of problems

In DIY and life hack communities, zip ties are often considered as handy as duct tape for holding things together. However, it's also true that people can sometimes find they don't need the ties to do that anymore.
Of course, they wouldn't be half as effective if they were easy to loosen, but that doesn't mean they need to be cut. After a safety pin is inserted in the little hole and left there, somebody can pull on the cube and loosen the zip tie.
There's finally a way to get rid of this

It's so disheartening when a product has a sticker on it. Not only is it very likely that the sticker won't come off in one piece but it's also likely to leave an unsightly residue behind like this.
However, it turns out that getting rid of this annoying film isn't as hard as it seems. Somebody only needs to put cooking oil on a tissue and rub the sticker residue until it goes away. It'll look completely unsullied!
Now, that's some some smart thinking

They always say, "Work smarter not harder," and that's what the best life hacks come down to. After all, they'd have to if they have any hope of actually making our lives easier. This idea is a perfect example.
As long as this door is close enough to a chair, this person can have a fresh variety of snacks without getting up. And all it took to accomplish was a child's clothes hanger.
This might be the easiest way to deal with bad smells

When cooking meat, people will often find that they'll end up with by-products that belong in the trash. Unfortunately, it often doesn't take long before those by-products start smelling foul. And if there's no outdoor garbage hut, there aren't many options.
However, it turns out that all you need is one. The same freezer bags that help keep freshness in can also lock in rotten odors. That way, nobody has to worry about the garbage until garbage day.
Let's just save ourselves a world of trouble once and for all

Whenever we need to connect cables to a computer, it's such a pain. Not only are most computers put in places that make that process cumbersome, but it can also take a lot of trial and error to figure out which one goes where.
Of course, that doesn't mean it has to. With some multi-colored stickers and a little bit of planning, there's no guesswork or cursing under anyone's breath when it's time to hook these up.
It's a great way to keep the good times going

While some people kind of like it when their ice cream melts a little, others just see that as a reason to worry that it's about to turn into a drippy puddle. However, there's a way to slow that down.
As we can see, it's about as simple of a solution as it gets. Putting the pint into a coffee mug prevents it from being surrounded by your body heat and helps it melt slower.